

所有 auditions must be scheduled in advance utilizing the current 试镜申请表格. 威尼斯人博彩 accepts auditions in both live on-campus, pre-recorded, and live virtual formats. 所有

pre-recorded auditions must be submitted as an UnListed YouTube link, 无论是单个视频还是播放列表. 请将链接发邮件至 music@模拟金属.edu.

不管你选择怎样试镜, please be sure and follow the below guidelines that are specific to your area of interest, 包括所有必需的音乐选段. If any part of the required selections is missing from your audition, 无论是当面还是录音, you will be asked to complete that audition at a later date. Specific questions about the below requirements can be sent to music@模拟金属.edu (responses will come from the appropriate applied teacher).


  • Contrasting repertoire showing both technical and lyrical abilities. 剧目的例子包括, but are not limited to: UIL Class 1 or 2 solos or other appropriate etudes. One single selection or two separate selections will suffice, not exceeding 5 minutes in length. 点击这里 用于包含建议方法书的文档.
  • Major scales: at least 4 different major scales of your choice in a 2 octave range where practical
  • Chromatic scale: start on any note you wish, but be sure and cover at least 2 octaves of range
  • Sight-Reading: all students who participate in Live On-Campus or Virtual auditions will do sightreading on their instrument. If submitting a pre-recorded video, sight reading will be provided as part of your video submission. This material must be proctored by either a band director or private instructor and we must 看到m put the music in front of you for the first time on the video.


请准备以下至少两份材料, and MUST include at least one mallet etude and one drum selection which could be snare, 定音鼓, 或Drumset. Sight reading on concert snare drum and mallet percussion will be required. We value well-rounded players and encourage students to prepare more than the two required selections. More selections and greater versatility will be considered in the awarding of scholarships

  • 马林巴琴/颤音(必选)-
    • One 2 mallet solo or etude (所有-region music, UIL solo, Goldenberg, etc.)

      OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged – one 4 mallet solo (UIL solo, etude - Ford, Davila, Zivkovic, etc.)
  • 〇军鼓
    • One concert etude (所有-region music, Cirone, Peters, Goldenberg,etc.)如果你觉得基础演奏是你的强项, you may additionally prepare a rudimental solo of your choice.
  • 定音鼓,
    • one 定音鼓 selection (所有-Region music, UIL solo, etude – Goodman, Peters, Carroll)
  • Drumset -
    • 这可以包括独奏和/或风格. Styles should have a variety including swing, shuffle, rock, funk, latin (Bossa nova, Samba, etc.)
  • Sight reading (REQUIRED)- You will be asked to sight read on both snare drum and mallet instruments. If submitting a pre-recorded video, sight reading will be provided as part of your video submission. This material must be proctored by either a band director or private instructor and we must 看到m put the music in front of you for the first time on the video.


Whether you are auditioning in person (please check for specific camp date on the 试镜的请求 form) or submitting a video audition, 申请人必须能够证明下列各项:

  • 演示每只手的旋转
  • 示范单投和双投
  • a 2-3 minute routine to music of their choosing to demonstrate abilities including excellent body carriage, 风度, 还有舞蹈技巧
  • If proficient on rifle or sabre, please include a demonstration of skills on that equipment as well.


  • A minimum of 2 pieces from contrasting style periods that represent the student’s level of proficiency and talent. 至少有一段是靠记忆的.
  • A大音阶和琶音
  • Eb大调音阶和琶音
  • 小调——和声形式、音阶和琶音
  • B大调音阶和琶音
  • 上面列出的键的I-IV-I-V-I和弦进行
  • Sight-Reading: all students who participate in Live On-Campus or Virtual auditions will sightread appropriate material. If submitting a pre-recorded video, sight reading will be provided as part of your video submission. This material must be proctored by either a private instructor or a band/choir director and we must 看到m put the music in front of you for the first time on the video.


  • One solo such as an aria, art song or piece from UIL Solo and Ensemble. Please bring a copy of the music with you if you need piano accompaniment. (钢琴伴奏优于录音伴奏.)
  • 如果在校园现场试镜, you will be expected to participate in Warm-up/Vocal exercises to determine the range, 声域, 声音部分. If submitting a video, please be sure this is included as part of you submission
  • Sight-Reading: all students who participate in Live On-Campus or Virtual auditions will sightread appropriate material for their voice range. If submitting a pre-recorded video, sight reading will be provided as part of your video submission. This material must be proctored by either a band director or private instructor and we must 看到m put the music in front of you for the first time on the video.


The 威尼斯人博彩 音乐 Department is fortunate to have scholarship opportunities available for students regardless of their declared major. 有资格申请奖学金, students must audition and fill out the appropriate scholarship application found on www.模拟金属.edu/music. For a complete listing of all scholarship eligibility requirements and deadlines, 点击这里.